Monday 25 January 2016

Don’t ignore these 8 signs of depression

I am fine, I just want to remind myself about him, we were together for about 6 years before we got married, now he’s no more. Those were the exact words of a young lady who lost her husband recently.

Indeed, she wished to control herself and be up again, but she’s really depressed. Clearly, her state of mind is not balanced.
Death is a major event that you will agree can easily leave anyone depressed.
However, there are several other things that can also cause depression. As an employee, getting insulted by your boss; feeling insecure on your job or relationship can easily leave you depressed.
Likewise, as an entrepreneur, if you have ever found yourself depressed, you will agree that the consequences are even worse, as it can easily take its toll on your business.
If you find yourself struggling to ascertain whether you are depressed or just bothered about issues surrounding you, such as; family, job, relationship or finance, then you need to carefully take note of these signs below to determine the real state of your mind.
  • Sleepless night: Naturally, the night is meant for sleep. However, if you find yourself seriously thinking during bedtime and denying yourself the mandatory seven hours of sleep, then you need to get worried because this is a major sign of a depressed mind.

  • Regular headache & body pains: You haven’t been sleeping for days; definitely, you will start having headache and body pains. At this stage you need to seek medical attention.

  • Loss of appetite: If you begin to find it difficult to finish your food even when it’s your favourite, then are obviously losing appetite. This will likely affect your weight and stature, sometimes it might be significant. If you notice your weight reducing by at least 5 percent weekly and you are not on a weight loss, it is likely you are depressed.

  • Anger or Irritability: Being easily angry at every slight provocation is not only a symptom of depression, but also a contributor. If this becomes a common feature of your day, then you need to speak to a counsellor because it could lead to self-destruction.

  • Hopelessness: When you don’t see the conviction to believe in second chance. Everything seems to be going wrong – life, career, relationships and you can’t find any reason to be hopeful, then you might be suffering from depression.
  • Self-criticism: This is a very important sign to take note of. Because your inner voice could be destroying the state of mind when you begin to blame yourself for nothing or harshly criticise yourself for perceived faults and mistakes.

  • Concentration problem: If it’s becoming difficult for you to focus on a subject or remember events then you are obviously having problem with your concentration level. Equally, if it is increasingly becoming difficult for you to make decisions, then, perhaps you are suffering from depression.
At any point you notice these signs then it is likely you are suffering from depression.  A visit to your doctor can be a first step, take a walk with a friend, exchange ideas and explain what is burning your heart to someone you trust. Try to relax and sleep more. This will help your system normalise. Also, ensure you remain positive about whatever it is that’s really weighing you down.
If you have overcome depression, please do share with us how you dealt with it in the comment box. 

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